About Us
Elevating Veterinary Excellence: VNASA, Pioneering the Future of Veterinary Nursing in South Africa.
The Veterinary Nurses Association of South Africa was established in 1978 by the second year of the first class of veterinary nursing students to maintain contact with qualified nurses, to get feedback from them, and to help protect the veterinary nurse in his/her profession.
Veterinary nurses are encouraged to join the Association as it does pay to be associated:
Some of the benefits you will experience as a member are:
Continuing professional development (lifelong learning):
- a quarterly full-colour magazine with practical veterinary nursing articles
- monthly job newsletter detailing positions available and forthcoming events
- access to our website which is regularly updated
Professional support:
- supply of epaulettes and badges and other merchandise
- should you need to attend a hearing at the Veterinary Council, the committee and veterinary nurses’ representative on Council may offer support in person or otherwise to you
- enquiries regarding working conditions, the Act or colleagues may be answered in-house or referred to the correct person
Added benefits – saving you time:
- the elected committee of the Association makes decisions on behalf of the profession based on feedback from the profession, for example:
- Day One Skills list
- changes to the Act to allow for independent nursing and competent specific registration
- ensuring fair representation of the profession on other committees, example: SAAPVP (South African Association of Para-veterinary Professionals) and South African Veterinary Council;
- updating the members of changes in the law and Act relevant to the profession;
- sending out surveys to get feedback from the profession;
- ensuring veterinary nurses are employed in veterinary nursing positions and assisting the SAVC in decisions of who should be allowed to get authorized if no veterinary nurse is available for the position;
- providing a support base and network for student and qualified veterinary nurses;
- maintaining contact with our Alma Mater and ensuring standards of training are upheld;
We are in the process of collecting information from our members and will be starting a historical society soon! Please feel free to send your photos and stories about the start of our wonderful profession for inclusion on this page.
Please also read the article written by Dr I Wolleschak
Veterinary nursing in South Africa (1977-2000)
I Wolleschak